Saturday, August 23, 2008

But Rebuilding Your Credit Is Up To You

Category: Finance, Credit.

Financial setbacks happen for a number of reasons.

You may think that there is no longer any hope for having a good credit score but nothing can be further from the truth. Usually the two biggest reasons for financial setbacks are the loss of a job or business failure or large medical expenses. But rebuilding your credit is up to you. First of all, stay away from the scammers who promise to rebuild your credit for a fee. Here are some ways. Just run from them. These people make all sorts of claims that they can help but they are out to get your money.

Remember, rebuilding your credit is up to you. This is something you have to do. It just means you will probably get credit at a higher interest rate and at a reduced line. Just because you have bad credit does not mean you will never get credit again. You can still buy a car but it will be a car of lesser value and at a higher interest rate so it behooves you to come with as large of a down payment as you can. Try to show that even though you had a bad spell, you tried to pay your creditors and made every effort to. The key is to reestablish your payment history.

When you start to come out of you financial situation, you might even want to try to get a loan like from an appliance store and pay it off. Over time, someone analyzing your credit report will see a period where you had some problems but managed them without giving up and filing for bankruptcy. This will start to reestablish you payment patterns. The next point you need to know is that you can get a copy of your credit report and you can contact a creditor if there is something in there that is not accurate. It takes a little work but you want to make sure there are no inaccuracies in your credit report. This, is up to, once again you to do. If you find an inaccuracy in your report, you will probably need to send the creditor all supporting information to the claim.

Remember also that in the United States, negative information will in most cases disappear from your credit report with the passage of time. Remember to only send them copies of any documentation and not the originals. When you come out of your financial setback period, just start adopting good credit practices again. As with other debt relief and debt management programs, there are scams in credit repair as well. Most truthful negative information will disappear from your report after a passage of seven years. But remember that in the United States there are some instances where you can be charged with fraud if you misrepresent yourself when trying to apply for credit or if you are using some method to try and hide your real identity in order to get credit. Some scammers who present themselves as credit repair businesses will suggest that you get a U.

Federal Employer Identification Number( EIN) and use that instead of your Social Security Number to rebuild a new identity for yourself. That is fraud and you as well as the company who gets you to do this can be charged with it. You can get an EIN in a matter of a few minutes but the intent of this number is so that you as an employer can pay the employer s share of an employee s social security tax obligation to the Internal Revenue Service and not use it to establish a new credit identity for yourself. But you can bet that you will be the only one who takes a fall on that one and not the company who convinced you to do it. Just the fact that these companies want you to pay a fee should make you suspicious. In summary, remember that is up to you to use legal means to clear your credit report by writing creditors to reverse inaccurate information, reestablishing a payment history, and avoiding scams that offer to take money from you in return for a repair of your credit through questionable or illegal means.


For The Credit Card Companies, This Has The Happy Side Effect Of Increasing The Total Amount Of Interest They Earn On Your Account - Finance and Credit Articles:

Like most things connected with personal finance, the area of credit cards is sometimes awash with jargon and impenetrable language.

Your Free Credit Report Is Anything But Free - Doreen Renken's Finance and Credit blog:

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act( FACTA) of 2003 made sweeping changes to the Fair Credit Reporting Act( FCRA) .

The Usefulness Of Secured Credit Cards - Finance and Credit:

These days, having good credit is more important than ever. If you have you been unfortunate enough to experience late payments, charge, judgments- offs, or possibly even bankruptcy that have made your life a living hell, don t despair.

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